Tuesday 9 June 2015

How to Sterilize Jars

It may be a little bit of an after thought, but after yesterdays jam making, I realized that not everyone sterilizes jars on a constant basis. So for today's how-to, sterilizing jars!

Firstly, you will need:
  • Jars and lids (food grade);
  • Cookie sheet;
  • Sauce pan;
  • A sink of soapy water
  • A sink of rinse water
  • Oven
  • A set of tongs

1) Wash all equipment in warm soapy water, and rinse.
2) Pre-heat your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
3) Place the lids in sauce pan and cover with water, and place in heated oven.
4) Place jars and tongs on the cookie sheet, and place in heated oven.
5) Keep everything in the oven for 10 minutes, then turn off heat and keep warm.

Now that all your equipment is sterilized, use a clean pair of oven mitts to remove the tongs from the cookie sheet. Use the tongs to move all jars and lids, never touch the inside of the jars or lids. If you have any further questions on canning, we would love to help, e-mail us at craftycabin6@gmail.com !

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