Saturday 6 June 2015

Meet the Family!

Hello, and welcome to our family's new adventure, blogging! As a family, we love playing sports, getting crafty, and baking some really good treats. First of all, I would like you to meet the family, hold on because there is a lengthy list of seven!
I am Tanya, I enjoy soccer, scrapbooking and making new foods for the family. My husband Scott loves off-roading, working at our farm, and fixing up his tractors. The oldest of our three daughters is Jenni, she is a literature lover, a baker (if it involves chocolate) and hitting around tennis balls. Mere, loves sleeping in, wrestling for her team, and making BIG bonfires. Syd is the crochet master, the mathematician, and loves going anywhere on her bike. Aidan is the baby of the family, he loves pushing the lawnmower around, kicking a soccer ball, and making coffee drinks on hot days. Liam is the eldest of the siblings, but he lives on his own while building his tool and knife crafting business.
Despite our family's busy lifestyle, we always manage to make time to eat healthy, exercise, and have fun!
"Family, we may not have it all together, but together we have it all"

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